Stop Protecting Your Old Self (The Real Root of Procrastination)

old self - procrastination

You might have tried some common ways to beat procrastination. But, when it comes to certain tasks or goals, it can still be tough to stop putting things off.

It could be something small, like paying your taxes, or something big, like starting your own business. “Why can’t I stop procrastinating?!”

Maybe you’ve even tried the usual tips to avoid putting things off:

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If You Want to Earn More, Stop Procrastinating

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I was talking to a friend recently who feels like he’s stuck in his job for the past five years. He’s been procrastinating his decision to find something else for a long time.

Every time I ask him about when he actually wants to leave, he always has a reason (aka an excuse):

  • “I’m waiting for a bonus”
  • “I need to save up more money first”
  • “I just don’t have enough time to job search right now”

Sound familiar?

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What is Stoic Investing? (And how Stoicism can make you wealthy)

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The ancient philosophy of Stoicism was founded in Athens at around 300 B.C. Stoicism has gained popularity recently because it provides a useful and practical way of viewing life. It can also be used for wealth-building, which forms the principles of Stoic investing.

Being a Stoic makes you better at money, wealth-building, and investing. Stoic Investing strategies teach us to manage our emotions and focus only on things within our control (and let go of those that we cannot).

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