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Wise & Wealthy: Living with intention and the law of momentum

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#71 – May 15, 2023

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Wise: The brevity of life

How would you change your life today if I told you that in 3 years, you would die?

Look, life is short. We all know it. And yet, we get stuck in the mundanity. We do the same thing day in and day out. 

We hardly ever think, “I won’t live forever.”

Sometimes we read a really prolific book that makes us think. Maybe it’s Man’s Search For Meaning or On The Shortness of Life.

Those books can change the way you view the world… But often that effect wanes.

A few weeks later, we forget we even read the book and just fall back into our normal routines.

To avoid that, make it a habit to meditate on the impermanent nature of life. In my latest article, I share some lessons I’ve learned. 

↳ Living with Intention: Lessons on The Brevity of Life

Wealthy: Becoming unstoppable

To launch a rocket in space, one needs a massive amount of energy to get it in the air. But once it’s in an upward motion, one needs less energy to keep it going.

This is also true for many things in life. The problem is that most of us give up before we reach a phase of having momentum.

Instead of working against Newton’s laws, work with them, especially the first law, also known as the law of momentum.

This states that an object will keep moving in the same direction unless it’s influenced by an external force. This has two consequences:

  • It’s easier to keep a moving object in motion
  • It’s harder to stop a moving object in motion

The first one is obvious. The second implication of the law of momentum is often neglected in business, careers, productivity, and habit-building. 

If you keep up your momentum, you’re more likely to keep going because you’re difficult to stop. 

↳ The Law Of Momentum: How To Become Unstoppable

One interesting thing

We often search for purpose and meaning in our lives, but true fulfillment can only be found through positively impacting the lives of those around us.

Alfred Adler, the Austrian psychotherapist, said:

“Every human being strives for significance, but people always make mistakes if they do not see that their whole significance must consist in their contribution to the lives of others.” 

Your contribution to the world matters, no matter how big or small it may seem.

Thanks for reading! I hope you found this edition of Wise & Wealthy useful.

All the best,


Join the 5-day Financial Freedom Challenge

I created a 5-day email course you can do alone or together with a group. It’s called the Financial Freedom Challenge. And it will help you to gain control over your finances.

Most people try to calculate their way out of poor finances. But money problems aren’t rational. They’re emotional. Manage your emotions well, and you’ll manage your finances better.

Financial Freedom Challenge

How to Unlock the Financial Freedom Challenge

You can join the challenge for free. For five days, you’ll receive a short email with a small challenge that inspires you to improve your relationship with money.

I highly recommend sharing it with your friends/family so you can go through the program together. It helps bring perspective. And it’s more fun that way too.

Join here for free:

10 Rules to Make Your Writing so Persuasive People Can’t Ignore It 

10 Rules for Making Your Writing Persuasive

All good writing is persuasive by definition. 

Think about it. Would you read something that’s not enticing? With the millions of ways we can keep ourselves busy in today’s world, I certainly won’t.

I only read something when it’s so persuasive I can’t ignore it. And as a writer, my goal is to produce the same type of writing.

In fact, I believe every single word, sentence, and paragraph you write must be persuasive. Otherwise, it’s a waste of your time. Think of…

  • Email subject lines you write at work
  • Text messages you send to your partner, friends, co-workers
  • Ads of the things you’re selling on social media
  • Jobs you apply to

I can go on like that for a while. The idea is that you always need to be persuasive otherwise people won’t read your writing. And writing that gets ignored is bad.

The rest of this article contains 10 rules I’ve learned from writing persuasively. You can use these rules to inspire others to take action simply with your words.

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4 Principles to Invest Wisely and Avoid Common Market Pitfalls

Common Market Pitfalls

Investing in the stock market is dangerous. How do you invest wisely when there are so many investing and market pitfalls that take away investors’ money?

It’s like the Brothers Grimm fairytale about the seven poor little goats. In case you forgot or never heard it, here it goes.

Once upon a time, there was a family of seven little goats who lived in the forest. One day, their mother left to go shopping and when she was gone, a wolf appeared at the door looking for dinner. 

He tricked the seven little goats into letting him inside, which they of course did because he disguised himself and talked nicely to them. 

When the goats let him in, he ate them all. Except for one little goat who managed to hide. 

The mother came back and found the little one, but the others (including the wolf) were gone. 

She was furious and determined to take down this wicked wolf. She hunted him down and used a pair of scissors to cut the wolf’s belly open, and the six children jumped out miraculously unharmed.

This story has a happy ending. But when big bad wolves trick us into giving them our money, we don’t see that money again. 

In this article I’ll share 4 principles you must be aware of if you want to avoid financial wolves.

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10 Harsh Lessons From 10 Years Of Entrepreneurship

Harsh Lessons Entrepreneurship FINAL

A while back I stumbled upon a Twitter post with a list of harsh writing advice. I can’t recall what the advice was, but I thought to myself, “I could do one of those on entrepreneurship.”

Building a business is hard work.

Data from Fundera says that 70% of small businesses fail by their 10th year.1Source: Entrepreneur

When I started my first business in 2010, I was blessed to work with my father and one of his business mentors. I didn’t have to figure a lot of things out on my own, which drastically improved my learning curve.

So every time I run into young and inexperienced entrepreneurs who don’t have any mentors around them, I’m willing to help if they want. This post serves that purpose.

These are the tougher lessons about entrepreneurship that most people are not aware of when they start. If you’re appalled by these things, it’s probably not for you. But if you don’t mind them, you will likely do well.

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