Skip The Means — Go For The End

Skip the means - go for the end

How often do we pursue something purely as a means to do something else?

I spoke to a former co-worker of mine who’s now working as a business coach. She has her own practice and own coaching methodology.

But the last time we caught up, a few years ago, she was participating in some kind of coaching accreditation program. Many people assume you need some sign of approval before you can work in a particular profession.

This is certainly true for coaches. But also for authors, consultants, and other expert-level jobs. While I think the system accreditation serves a purpose, it’s not always the best path.

Degrees and certificates function as shortcuts. If someone has a degree from a certain university, you can assume that person has a certain level of academic ability and persistence.

The same is true for financial roles. A certified financial planner in the US has gone through an extensive training program, which doesn’t cost a lot of time, but also money. These types of stamps of approval are helpful.

But the problem arises when we pursue a certain degree and certificate purely as a means to do something else.

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