Don’t Know What You Want? Improve These 7 Universal Skills

dont know what i want

What does success look like? What do you want from life? What career do you want?

Most of us answer “I don’t know.”

And you know what? There’s nothing wrong with that. And yet, we think it’s the worst thing in the world if you don’t know what you want to do in life.

We say: “OMG! I don’t know what I want!” And then we have a full-on panic attack. Be honest — it happens to all of us.

Especially, when you see that your old college friend just got married. Or that your co-worker, who started at the same time as you, just got promoted.

It’s at those moments of weakness when we shine a spotlight on our own uncertainty about life.

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Leave The Office On Time and Don’t Take Your Work Home

These two lessons are true for every person who wants a long, happy, and satisfying career.

But it’s very hard to put that advice into practice. It took me the first six years of my career to figure that out. And I still have to remind myself that life is bigger than work.

Almost everywhere that I’ve worked in the past, there was a “perception is reality” culture.

That means looks are more important than reality. In other words: The person who’s in the office the longest appears to be the hardest worker. Now, that may be true.

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All Strength Comes From Repetition

The biggest mistake you can make is to ignore the basics in your profession. This is true no matter what you do, where you live, or who you are. We forget that all strength comes from repetition.

When you ignore the foundation of what makes you a good person, athlete, friend, entrepreneur, student, etc., you will never be consistent.

That’s the biggest lesson I’ve learned from studying athletes. People who play professional sports are under constant pressure to perform.

Take Daniel Cormier, the current UFC Light Heavyweight Champion, and former Olympic wrestler. The 38-year-old champion has an impressive career until now. He won multiple gold medals as a wrestler. And in MMA, he has won 20 of his 22 fights in total. He’s considered one of the best.

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The 21 Most Important Questions Of Your Life

21 questions

One of the most important lessons I’ve learned from reading books, interviewing smart people, and having conversations with my mentors is that questions are more important than answers. But that goes against everything you learn in school where you’re rewarded for the quality of your answers.

However, that’s not what you should judge a person on. Instead, look at the quality of a person’s questions, like Voltaire famously said:

“Judge a man by his questions rather than his answers.”

And one of my friends who’s a consultant at one of the big three management consultancies, once told me that, “my job is to be ignorant.” He was referring to Peter Drucker, arguably one of the greatest management consultants of all time, who said:

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