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How to Actually Get Off Your Phone

Our phones have become an extension of ourselves. We use a phone for almost everything: Staying connected with friends and family, doing work, managing our lives and schedules, entertaining ourselves, etc.

A recent study showed that the average person spends around three hours a day on their phone, which adds up to around 45 days a year.1Source: Exploding Topics

That’s a month and a half worth of time! Imagine what you can do with a free month and a half. You can write a very rough book draft, or even get much fitter, etc.

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How to Feel Great Every Day (Backed by Science)

Feel Great Everyday

How often do you feel GREAT during the day? As in, fully energized, in a good mood, and not a sign of tiredness in sight.

Think about the days when you don’t feel sluggish or unproductive. Instead, you’re focused and you’re getting things done. You feel good. And there is a rewarding feeling when you finish the day doing exactly what you wanted to do.

I have that feeling on the days I write. Just the process of writing gets me energized.

Now, these “great” days don’t happen everyday. And there are various factors that are out of our control (like a stressful work task, or a traffic jam) that can ruin our day.

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Five Surprising Truths I Learned From Leaving My 9–5

Leaving 9 to 5

What does freedom mean to you?

For some, it’s having the ability to work full-time on their passion projects without financial worries.

For others, it may be earning enough to travel the world, build a family, buy a house, or treat their loved ones to a month-long vacation.

This desire to have more freedom in life drives us to earn more money. Because after all, if you have more money you will have more freedom, right? Right?

Well… Not always.

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