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Hey, I’m Darius Foroux, author of Massive Life Success, and writer of this blog. On this blog I try to talk about the challenges we experience in daily life, such as: dealing with self-doubt, office politics, fear, assholes, improving yourself, strategy, and anything else that is related to health and wealth. I write about matters that inspired me to grow. After all, what is a life without progress and growth?

I’ve made a manifesto, which I use a guide to live my life. I recommend everyone to make something similar (I’ve used to do this). The reason I made this is that I don’t like to live a passive life. And having a graphic version is easy for reminding myself what I think is important. I’ve printed it and put it in my office. Having a personal manifesto gives me clarity and purpose. It’s like Jim Rohn said: “It is the set of the sails, not the direction of the wind that determines which way we will go.”

A guide to living
A guide to living


To start living life—like the stoics say—your first job is to distinguish everything into two categories:

  1. Externals I cannot control
  2. The choices I make with regard to the external

That is your foundation, to recognize what is in your control, and what is not.

What do you want in life?

  • To be happy.
  • What is happy?
  • Having peace of mind. Or call it tranquility.
  • How do you achieve that?
  • To live my life the way I want to.

How do you live?

If I decide how to live life, there is no one to blame. I take full responsibility over my life and actions.

Therefore, my behavior will be as follows:

  • I shall not complain
  • I shall do what is right
  • I shall not judge
  • I shall treat people kindly

And most importantly, keep moving forward.

Your greatest enemy is:

Inaction —> When you stop, you die.

This means you live in the now.
Look back too much, you will decline.
Look forward too much, you are nothing but a dreamer.

Act now.

Top 15 Motivational Quotes That Will Make You Do Some Stuff

motivational quotes

I’m not a fan of motivational quotes. But getting motivated is not always easy. We have so many goals that we want to achieve.

Some many books to read. Some much stuff to do. But we have so little time, so we need to motivate (and inspire) ourselves to keep doing the things that satisfy us—and not waste our time.

Here’s a list of motivational quotes that always get me off my but. I found that it works best to print your favorite quotes and place them somewhere you see them multiple times a day. For example, I have motivational quotes on my monitor, desk, closet, the dashboard of my car, bathroom.

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