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How To Improve Your Mindset, Build Strength, And Make A Living Doing What You Love


What’s your definition of a good life? Ask 100 different people, and you’ll probably get 100 different answers.

However, there are also a few universal pieces to a good life. Take happiness and health. We all want it. That’s why we collectively spend billions of dollars a year on gym memberships, supplements, training programs, gear, you name it.

I’m not surprised. Health is everything. Mahatma Gandhi famously said:

“It is health that is real wealth and not pieces of gold and silver.”

To me, health is not only a physical thing. Your mental health is more important than your body because it’s easy to get injured or sick. It can happen to all of us. But as long as your brain functions, you’re still in control of your life.

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Stop Chasing Opportunities

Do you believe that more opportunities equal more chances of success? I sure did.

And since we all want to feel important in this world, we think that the way to achieve that is to chase every single opportunity out there.

I hear it often: “This is a big opportunity for me.”

But that idea is broken. Chasing opportunities is a bad strategy. It’s more practical to chase skills and PREPARE for opportunities.

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The Habits Of Unproductive People You Don’t Want To Copy

The reason I study productivity is that I’m a person with unproductive habits. I sleep too much. I talk too much. I read too much. I listen to music all day. I watch movies. I buy gadgets that turn me into a zombie.

If it wasn’t for my productivity system, get nothing done. I wouldn’t even write this article. But if you browse social media, all you see is super productive, healthy, and wealthy people. Is that really the case?

I don’t know. I just know this: You can’t be productive 24/7. And a big part of being productive is about getting rid of unproductive habits we all have.

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Stop Imitating The Habits Of Successful People: It’s Killing You

Stop Imitating The Habits Of Successful People

Have you seen them? Articles and books that promise you the secrets to success? Save yourself some time and stop reading them. I’ll tell you why in a minute.

There are many kinds of those “success-articles.” The ones that suggest there’s a difference between winners and losers are my favorite.

Stuff like: “This behavior separates successful people from average people.” Or how about articles that list the habits of Millionaires or Billionaires? It’s so predictable.

Those types of articles and books are designed to give you a good feeling about yourself. “See! I have all the traits of successful people. I’m one of them!”

They always focus on the outcome. Not the process. Studying, learning, and stealing productive habits or tactics are all smart things to do. But that’s not what I’m talking about here. I talk about people who only focus on the outcome. I.e. success.

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