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If You Think “Change” Is The Right Answer To Your Problems, Think Again


Do you remember the first time you did something new and exciting? It was a big thing, right? But you also got used to it, right?

We get used to almost everything in life. That’s a good thing, but it can also be bad at the same time.

One of the strengths of humans is that we get used to almost everything. That ability helped us to survive and evolve.

The first time I got on an airplane, I was 16 and thought it was the coolest thing in the world. Now, I just see it as a way of transport, nothing else. Flying didn’t change. It’s still an amazing thing like Louis C.K. says:

“Everybody on every plane should just constantly be going: “Oh my God! Wow!” You’re flying! You’re sitting in a chair, in the sky!”

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How To Be A Kind Human Being

kind human being

 If you want to live a happy life and achieve all your goals, there’s one essential trait you can’t go without: Being kind.

Franklin D. Roosevelt put it well: “Human kindness has never weakened the stamina or softened the fiber of a free people. A nation does not have to be cruel to be tough.”

And yet, cruel people are everywhere. You see it in the workplace, relationships, families, and on the street.

One thing I find is that many of us mistake kindness for weakness. But who says you can’t be kind and firm and the same time? Many think it’s one or the other.

When we study successful people, billionaires, and athletes, we always talk about their work ethic, creativity, and leadership. Those things are essential, and we can learn a lot from them. But one thing that gets less attention is kindness.

That’s why this article and the following observations are about kindness. Kindness has the ability, more than anything else, to improve your life instantly.

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Speed Reading: 5 Tips To Read Faster

speed reading

Do you love reading and learning new things? Or do you have to read many documents for work? We live in a fast-paced world: information is the centerpiece of most of our lives. In our personal lives, there are so many things we want to learn. And if you are a knowledge worker, chances are you have to read emails, rapports, and other documents on a daily basis.

Multitasking hurts our productivity. And there is so much to read, but so little time, right? That isn’t necessarily true. Speed reading is something that has had a lot of attention in recent years. People are always looking for ways to get things done more efficiently. By learning to speed read you significantly process more information and get things done more quickly. However, with most speed reading techniques, you are required to adapt your natural reading style.

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Saying No Can Lead To A Happier Life

say no

We believe that we always have to say yes to opportunities. We fear that saying no leads us to miss out on money, fun, and other experiences. But by always saying yes, we don’t value our time.

Blindly we say yes to everything that comes our way. We often don’t look at saying “no” as a skill. If we are at work and our manager asks you to hand in a report before the end of the day, we say, “sure thing.” It interrupts our work, and we often have to push other things aside.

There was never any fear for me, no fear of failure. If I miss a shot, so what?
– Michael Jordan

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