How I Measure Happiness

measuring happiness

The dialogue about happiness has not changed much for the past 3000 years since ancient Greek and Roman times.

But people pretend that everything has changed and that more people are unhappy than ever. That’s supposed to be because we’re more connected than ever.

You read it all the time. “Technology makes people feel lonely and depressed!”

I agree that technology itself has changed. But human nature has not. People have been unhappy, lonely, miserable, and sad since the start of modern civilization. We still ask ourselves questions like:

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Form A Daily Writing Habit—It Will Improve Your Life

One of the most important habits that I’ve formed in my life is daily writing.

Without question, writing every day has brought me many great things: A better career, fulfillment, self-improvement, and most importantly, the ability to share my ideas with you, the reader.

I wanted to be a writer for a decade before I became one. All it took was a decision. At some point, you have to look at yourself and say, “I’m a writer.” And then, start doing your job by writing every day.

I recommend that to everyone because of these 5 reasons:

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Why I Re-Read My Favorite Books Multiple Times A Year

bruce lee re-reading books

About four years ago I decided to read 100 new books a year. I’ve kept up that habit until recently.

I stopped reading two new books a week because I forgot almost everything I learned more than a year earlier. And there’s no way you can remember even a quarter of a book you read three years ago.

I made this discovery this year when I started worrying about random things in my life. I thought, “Didn’t I deal with this issue years ago?”

And I was right, I’ve read a lot about worrying, I’ve coached people, and I even wrote a book about it. But I’m not a machine—I’m not immune to the challenges that we all face. No one is.

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Stop Extrapolating Your Perceptions


I bet that you’re extrapolating your perceptions all the time. Let me give you a few examples and tell whether I’m wrong.

  • “House prices will probably keep increasing.”
  • “That person will never change.”
  • “My business will keep growing.”
  • “I will never learn from my mistakes.”
  • “He doesn’t like me.”

We often have these type of thoughts multiple times a day. The root of this problem is our quick judgment.

Humans are very fast thinkers. But how fast do we even think?

Scientists have quantified the speed of light and sound, but when it comes to thoughts, it’s not that easily measured.

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