Life Is Math—Not Magic

life is math

Life is math. But some say life is like chess, running a marathon, or playing a video game. I like those simplified looks on life because it’s already complicated enough.

But even though those ideas are fun, they don’t provide a practical strategy to base your life on. Sure, you must be smart, strategic, try to accelerate your learning, get results, and be consistent at the same time. We get it.

But what do you do when things don’t work out?

About three years ago, I wasn’t satisfied with my life and career. It’s difficult to explain why. To be honest, I didn’t understand why at the time. I just didn’t know what I was doing.

I just did what others expected me to do. Or, things that conventional wisdom tell you to do. I went to college, got two degrees, started a business, but I thought I also needed to work for a multinational firm, live in a big city, buy expensive stuff, and drive a cool car.

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Why You Need Emotional Intelligence To Succeed In Business

emotional intelligence

Do you ever feel that business as a whole can be hostile? Maybe you have a boss that doesn’t appreciate you. Or a client that treats you like dirt.

No matter what your place is on the career ladder, I bet you’ve felt misunderstood somewhere in your career. Every day people feel left out, unappreciated, and mistreated at work. And consequently, they suffer.

Let’s face it. Business is not always fun. And sure, it’s business.

But I think we can easily improve the business landscape by getting better at one thing: Emotional Intelligence.

Everyone has heard of it. But what is it? How do you get better at it? And how can you use it to get better at business?

Emotional intelligence (EI) is a term that’s been popularized by John Mayer, from the University of New Hampshire, and Yale’s Peter Salovey.

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Time Blocking: Improve Your Focus And Get More Meaningful Work Done

time blocking

Do you have a list of priorities or goals that you want to achieve this year? And do you struggle with allocating time to them? Time blocking might be helpful.

It certainly helped me. Look, I’m not any different from you. Life can be messy. Most of us juggle a lot of different things at the same time. Even though the simple solution is to stop juggling, it’s not always realistic. Or even needed.

What if you could do more things without losing your time? It’s possible. But you must work in an organized way.

Time Blocking a simple productivity exercise that many people use. It’s not fancy or revolutionary. The only thing you need is a calendar, which is something everyone with a smartphone and computer has.

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Manage Your Personal Energy To Improve The Quality Of Life

manage your energy

Many things in life always sound better in theory.

  • “I’m going to save my money, buy real estate, and live off the rent money.”
  • “I’m going to start a blog, sell courses, and live off the passive income.”
  • “I’m going to open a yoga school and only work a few hours a day.”

Alright, that’s great. I’ve talked about putting in the work many times before. I’m not going to do that again. We know that by know.

So let’s assume you are putting in the work. And to be honest, I’m pretty sure you’re taking your career seriously. Why else would you read these types of articles, right?

However, we also want to live a good life. I believe that life is meant to be enjoyed. Richard Koch, the author of the seminal book The 80/20 Principle, said it best:

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