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How To Get Repeat Customers For Your Business

repeat customers

Last year, 1,320 people bought one of my courses. And 54% of those sales came from existing customers. That’s massive. And this rate increased over time. 

In business, you need to focus on the long-term. Getting new customers is important. But serving your existing customers well ensures that your business has a sustainable source of revenue.

It can cost five times more resources to attract a new customer, rather than retain an existing one. When you increase the retention rate by a mere 5%, your profit can go up from 25% to 95%. It’s simply more beneficial to retain existing customers than search for and pitch to new ones.

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Personal Finance Guide: Manage Your Money Like A Boss

personal finance

I used to be very bad when it came to personal finance. I didn’t even use a savings account until my late twenties. Sure, I had one, but I just left all the cash I had in my checking account.

That’s the best strategy for going broke. You either spend your money on stuff you don’t need, or you get lured in by speculative investments like Bitcoin, Gamestop, silver, cannabis companies, or whatever CNBC and the r/wallstreetbets guys talk about (yes, I actually used these opposites in the same sentence). 

Anyway, if you’re going nuts because of all of the confusing financial advice out there; this article is for you. 

The goal of this guide is to help you get more control over your personal finances.  I will share proven strategies and methods that people use not only to manage their money but also to generate more money. 

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How To Generate New Article Ideas

new article ideas

The first lesson I had to learn as a serious writer is that inspiration isn’t something you wait for. I always assumed that writers got their new article ideas from some mystical force of nature.

I imagined Hemingway sitting in a dark cafe in Paris. I thought of Bukowski who was drunk half of the time. It seemed like those writers got their inspiration from traveling, drinking, or whatever you think generates inspiration.

We’ve all stared at our word processor, waiting for inspiration to strike and finally get us typing. But my experience taught me it’s a foolish strategy. It’s a waste of time to start writing an article or book from a blank canvas. 

Instead, I always make sure I have something to say, which makes writing easier. In this article, I explain my complete process for coming up with new ideas for articles. I’ve used this process more than 400 times and counting. 

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What Stage Of Personal Development Are You In?

four stages of personal development

Personal development is an abstract topic, which means different things to different people. And there’s no singular strategy for measuring it.

What does “personal development” mean? The word implies that there’s a progression to it. So if that’s the case, in what stage are you now? I’ll briefly answer those questions in this article. Equipped with that information, you can improve yourself more effectively.

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