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Wise & Wealthy: Comparing yourself and creating digital products

Welcome to Wise & Wealthy: A weekly newsletter full of proven ideas to become smarter and wealthier. I send this every Monday and every other Thursday.

#9 – June 2, 2022

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I’m hearing a lot of stories from people who want to make a career change. Something that’s more sustainable and enjoyable.

Over the past two years, a lot of things have changed. A lot of people felt the urge to do work that promised them the highest salary.

Now, I’m seeing more people who’d rather chase their dream, even if it pays less. We realize that life is short and hectic. We’d rather do something we enjoy.

That’s a great objective. The problem is that many people get sucked back into the rat race. I’ve seen a lot of people who started working towards their goals give up after a while because they got distracted.

They start comparing themselves to others and think, “Why is that person a multi-millionaire after creating one piece of art? Why not me?”

That’s dangerous. As soon as you catch yourself thinking those thoughts, stop. Focus on yourself.

Remember why you pursued something. I had many of those moments since I started chasing my dream of becoming a full-time writer. In my latest article, I share my thoughts on this subject.

Want to Succeed? Stop Comparing Yourself to Others


Everyone with a computer and internet access can create digital products today. The entry barrier is very low. But simply creating a digital product/service doesn’t mean people will pay for it. 

When we’re looking to create a digital product/service, the first question we should ask ourselves is this: “Why do I want to start an online business?” 

If the answer is “to make money,” then starting a business is not the right move.

A business does not exist to generate money for its creator. Peter Drucker famously said, “The purpose of business is to create and keep a customer.”

You can’t create or keep a customer if your business doesn’t provide value. That’s what entrepreneurship is all about: Value.

The more value you provide, the more revenue you generate.

So focus on creating an excellent product or service. It’s not enough that your business is “good enough.” That’s the quickest way to fail.

↳ Essential Guide To Making Digital Products People Will Pay For

One interesting thing, my course for starting/growing a business that unlocks your freedom and gives you joy, is closing for registration tonight.

The last registration day is usually when the majority of my students join. I’m like that as well. While I don’t like to procrastinate, I do like to read all the materials before I buy something. 

We want to make sure we benefit from a purchase before we spend money.

If you’re sure you will benefit from, but not sure about when you should start, then I invite you to join today.

I want you to know that starting a business is not as daunting as it may seem.

Even if you don’t have experience, ideas, time, or knowledge, you can do it with this program.

Registration only opens once a year. If you missed today’s deadline, you won’t be able to sign up until next year.

Register here:

Thanks for reading! I hope you found this edition of Wise & Wealthy useful.

All the best,


Join the 7-day Stay Centered challenge

I’ve created a one-week email course that you can do together with a group. It’s called Stay Centered, and it will help you to reclaim focus and live a meaningful life.

When you’re centered, nothing can hurt you. You will have inner peace no matter what happens.

How to unlock Stay Centered

You can join the challenge for free. Every day, you’ll receive a short email with a small challenge that inspires you to live better. 

I highly recommend sharing it with your friends so you can go through the program together. I did it with my team, which was a lot of fun. 

Join here:

How I’m Adjusting My Productivity System for the Distraction Age

productivity - love your work

Ever since the early 2010s, people have been warning of the “age of distraction.” It’s no longer a warning. We’re definitely living through the Distraction Age. 

The start of the 2020s has shown all of us how draining it can be to deal with distractions. 

It’s no surprise so many of us feel chronically drained. There’s so much information we have to process and so many things we have to adjust to. 

On top of that, it seems like there’s even more uncertainty when it comes to the economy, health care, and the rising cost of living. 

Let’s not talk about the things we can’t control. Let’s focus on the only thing that’s inside your control: You. 

In this article, I’m sharing how I’ve adjusted my existing productivity strategy and how you can use these insights to improve yourself in an age of distraction.

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Benefits vs Features: How to Capture and Keep Attention

benefits vs features

Let’s say you’re a first-time entrepreneur who’s looking to sell digital products or services. Maybe you’re a designer, engineer, coder, or writer. And you’re launching your first online course.

How would you market your product/service? How do you successfully capture the interest and curiosity of your target audience?

Some people decide to leave all their marketing needs to professional marketers. And depending on your circumstances, that could work for you too. But in my experience, whether you’ll hire a marketer or not, it’s in your best interest to have a good understanding of effective copywriting.

In other words, you want to know how to offer your product in a way that more prospects are willing to buy. You want to increase your conversion rate.

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3 Rules for Writing Effective Articles

writing effective articles

An effective article is an article that achieves its goal. Now, that goal can be anything: To entertain, inform, or persuade someone to act.

The reason every piece of writing needs a purpose is that it’s difficult to get someone’s attention. If a reader clicks your article (which is already rare), you have barely 15 seconds to hold their attention.

You can say the same thing about emails or text messages. Just look at how you respond to any written form of communication.

When an email doesn’t instantly grab your attention, you probably won’t even open it, right? Same thing with everything else on the internet. When you write effective texts, you’re always aware of the fact that most people will probably never even start reading your stuff.

But that doesn’t mean effective writing is only about grabbing people’s attention. If that were the case, you could only write outrageous headlines. That’s not the hard part. The hard part is to grab someone’s attention and hold it. 

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