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Feeling Stuck? Try Improving Your Productivity

try improving productivity

There’s this thing I noticed with people who do well in life. They are all very active and productive. Just think of any person you admire, and ask yourself, “Why do I look up to this person?”

Let me give you an example. My favorite filmmaker is Christopher Nolan. I’ve seen all his feature films (except for his latest), and they are all amazing—from the cinematography and music to the casting and acting. 

The man is a master of his craft. But why is Nolan respected by so many people? It’s not because he made one or two great films. There are many great films, made by great directors. No, he’s one of the most consistent filmmakers there is—in terms of quality and output. Take a look at his filmography:

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Definitive Guide To Creating Profitable Online Courses

Creating Online Courses

Creating an online course may seem daunting if you’re just getting started. At least, that’s what I thought before I created my first course in 2015. But now, after creating six online courses and generating six figures a year, I’ve learned it’s not that complicated! 

I believe every professional should create an online course. Why? It’s not only a good business, it’s one of the best ways to learn and provide value to others. I started teaching online in 2016, and I’ve created six courses since then. I’ve had nearly 3,500 students since (many students have multiple courses).

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The Five Pillars of Wealth Building

five pillars of wealth building

Any type of pursuit in life consists of a few fundamental ideas and concepts. For example, theory and experiment have been the two pillars of science for centuries. Those fundamental concepts have solidified our understanding of the world. 

It’s the same for wealth building. I’ve identified five pillars that support our understanding of how to responsibly build wealth. You’ll see these concepts everywhere personal wealth is created.  

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How to Use a Book to Build a Career or Business

book business

Imagine meeting the person who can impact your career big time. Maybe it’s an angel investor for your start-up or a corporate executive who can get you some major consulting or public speaking projects. What can you give them, to effectively communicate that you’re worth listening to? 

A business card? A resume? Most people throw that stuff away as soon as you give it to them. They’ll move on and forget about you.

Or let’s say you want to grow your business. Why would a stranger give you money for your products or services? Why would they trust you? No one likes to chase clients and get people for their business.

This is where a book comes in. A book communicates that: 

  1. You’re someone who had ideas and insights that are powerful enough to create a book,
  2. Not everyone can start, finish, and publish a book – but you did; 
  3. You know what you’re talking about, plus you can execute.
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