Why Do You Write? “Because I Must!”

Why Do You Write

In the following excerpt from Friedrich Nietzsche’s book, The Gay Science, character A and B are in a dialogue about why character A writes.

In this dialogue, A represents Nietzsche himself, and B represents a curious individual:

“A: I am annoyed by and ashamed of my writing; writing is for me a pressing and embarrassing need, and to speak of it even in a parable disgusts me.

B: But why, then, do you write?

A: Well, my friend, to be quite frank: so far, I have not discovered any other way of getting rid of my thoughts.

B: And why do you want to get rid of them?

A: Why I want to? Do I want to? I must.

B: Enough! Enough!”

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6 Strategies to Pay Off Debt and Retain Your Financial Freedom

Strategies to Pay Off Debt

Liabilities, like debt, destroy your wealth. When you owe someone money, you don’t own the thing you bought until you pay off your entire debt. This chains you and prevents you from becoming financially free.

It’s an even bigger liability when you go into debt for something that depreciates in value over time.

But when you own assets, you generally build wealth. Think of buying real estate and stocks with your own money. These assets tend to appreciate in value and increase your wealth in the long run.

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5 Simple Investing Ideas, Executed Strictly

Simple Investing Ideas

Charlie Munger once said: “More investors don’t copy our model because our model is too simple. Most people believe you can’t be an expert if it’s too simple.” The simplest investing ideas are truly the best.

Munger was the best at simplifying investing ideas. Together with his partner, Warren Buffett, they invested hundreds of billions of dollars in companies. And every time they were interviewed, they kept it simple.

They stressed that execution matters more than ideas. Munger and Buffett never did anything secret and dozens of books have been written about their investing strategy. They simply executed on another level.

In the vein of Munger, here are 5 simple ideas that will make you rich if you execute them strictly.

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How to Use Writing to Boost Your Focus and Productivity

Writing as a focus tool

You might think that writing is only for authors or people who earn a living with their words. That’s not true. Writing is for anyone who needs to focus.

Writing is a tool. One of the ways you can use writing is as a way to improve your focus and productivity.

Imagine getting fired (or losing your main income stream) and being left to fend for yourself. How would you normally focus on coming back?

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