Work Hard: The Pain Of Regrets Hurts More

the pain of regrets

One of my mentors is a 71-year-old entrepreneur. He started working since he was 12 years. The thought of retiring has never crossed his mind.

He told me he wants to die working — he loves it that much.

He said: “People will try to tell you that hard work is bad for you. And that you should work less. Don’t listen to them. Those people don’t enjoy their work, and they try to convince you of their fallacy.”

It got me thinking. Have you ever heard someone who loves their job, say that you shouldn’t work hard? No way. It’s always the lazy ones — like me back then — that make these statements.

When I first met my mentor, about five years ago, I didn’t understand why he worked seven days a week at his age. Why? Is it money, reputation, escapism?

Like many others, that ask “why would you work hard?” I just didn’t get it back then.

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20 Things That Will Make You More Productive Than Ever

20 things that make you productive

The last year has been huge for me in terms of doing productive things. I’ve got more things done than ever, switched careers and countries, spent loads of time with my family and friends, kept a healthy lifestyle, and exercised at least 5 times a week.

Many variables determine your overall productivity. Tools, apps, or hacks, don’t work if you lack the right mindset because productivity is a way of living.

It’s about achieving maximum output, getting shit done, and not wasting time. I think that output and happiness go hand in hand. To me, doing nothing equals misery.

I want to share 20 things I’ve done in the past 12 months that have made me more productive than ever.

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Today Is The Best Day Of Your Life (so stop procrastinating)

best day of your life

Tomorrow has the potential to be better than today. But this day is the only day you have. And it’s the best day of your life.

“I’ll start tomorrow.” I’ve said that hundreds of times. I’ve said it when I talked about running, writing, working, eating healthier, saying thank you, or any other habit that I wanted to start/improve.

And did that behavior help me? You know the answer to that.

Procrastinating is a bad habit. Research shows that the best way to get rid of a habit is to replace it with another habit.

“What day is it?”
It’s today,” squeaked Piglet.
My favorite day,” said Pooh.”
― A.A. Milne

The best way to replace procrastination is by adopting a habit of taking action.

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How To Be A Kind Human Being

kind human being

 If you want to live a happy life and achieve all your goals, there’s one essential trait you can’t go without: Being kind.

Franklin D. Roosevelt put it well: “Human kindness has never weakened the stamina or softened the fiber of a free people. A nation does not have to be cruel to be tough.”

And yet, cruel people are everywhere. You see it in the workplace, relationships, families, and on the street.

One thing I find is that many of us mistake kindness for weakness. But who says you can’t be kind and firm and the same time? Many think it’s one or the other.

When we study successful people, billionaires, and athletes, we always talk about their work ethic, creativity, and leadership. Those things are essential, and we can learn a lot from them. But one thing that gets less attention is kindness.

That’s why this article and the following observations are about kindness. Kindness has the ability, more than anything else, to improve your life instantly.

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