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Ambition: The Key Ingredient Of Success


What human traits predict career and life success? I’ve been curious about that question since I was 16. But at that age I didn’t think ambition was important.

That was also the time I became interested in personal development. I wanted to improve my life and become a better student, friend, son and human being. 

decided to build a good life for myself and the people in my life. Now, 16 years later, I think that decision was probably the most important decision of my life.

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If You Feel Like You Need A Break, Take One

vacation cartoon

You recharge your phone when it runs out of juice. You refill your gas tank when you’re running on empty. But sometimes, you forget to take a break and recharge your most precious possession: Your body (and the brain that’s inside of it).

Whether you love what you do, are in between jobs, or have a job you hate: You’re working. Living is also a job. A pretty tough one, actually. Just the act of getting up in the morning can be a daunting task. And I’m not even talking about all the responsibilities we have.

So why do you make your life even more challenging by not taking a vacation to recharge? I’m not talking about your weekends that are packed with activities, or holidays where you do more work than relax.

No, that type of “free time” only costs energy. I’m talking about resting with a very specific reason: To recharge your battery so you can get back to living a productive life.

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What Is Mindfulness? And Should I Meditate?

mindfulness is awareness

Do you regularly feel overwhelmed and restless? Do those feelings arise without a clear reason?

It happens to all of us. During those moments, we feel bad. We make the wrong decisions. And we give in to our desires. All of us experience moments of weakness. Especially when we’re alone, not knowing what to do.

In those moments, we whip out our phones and consume some crap on the news or social media. And that makes things worse.

And all of a sudden, you start to question everything about life. Your mind is out of control. And you can’t think straight anymore. It’s a harmful state of mind.

But we’ve all experienced the opposite as well: Being in the zone—fully focused on a single task.

So why do we still experience those moments of overwhelm? It has something to do with someone who’s living in your head.

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You Can Achieve Anything If You Focus On ONE Thing

how to focus on one thing to be more productive

You can achieve almost anything in life…As long as you focus on achieving one thing at a time. It’s a time-tested strategy that’s been shared by many successful people.

Gary Keller and Jay Papasan even wrote a whole book about this simple idea. But don’t let the simplicity of this idea fool you. It’s one of the hardest things to implement in your life.

Last year, I published an article about focusing on one thing called “The Power Of Compounding.” I’ve received dozens of questions about it like, “I get the idea. But I struggle with putting it into practice.”

That’s because we, human beings, are fickle. Our desires are constantly changing. We pursue new things before we finish our old goals.

We’re dealing with an invisible force that is always trying to confuse us. Instead of focusing on one thing at a time, we set multiple goals, and think we can multitask ourselves to achieving them.

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