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Impatience: The Pitfall of Every Ambitious Person


One of my mentors, an art dealer, taught me the pitfalls of impatience. He specializes in art from the middle ages. Last time we met, he showed me a part of his personal collection. Impressed by the size of the collection, I asked how long it took to accumulate everything.

He said “45 years,” and then he laughed when I looked surprised. He continued:

“This is not something you can buy in one go. It’s not like going to the IKEA. Accumulating anything worthwhile in life takes time. First, because you don’t have the money to buy everything at once. Second, not everything is always available. You must wait for the right opportunity.”

And waiting is one of the hardest things in life. But if you take a close look around you, you see many examples of people who waited for the right opportunity.

Take all the investors who bought stocks and real estate during the financial crisis that started in 2008. That recession lasted for several years. Recently, I spoke to someone who invested a big chunk of his assets in the stock market between 2009 and 2011.

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Stop Apologizing For Being Yourself

I’ve got a simple question for you: Who are you?

Look, this is not a job interview or any type of interview.

I’m not looking for a politically correct answer. “I’m a person who’s serious about his career. I like to spend time with my family and friends.” That’s true for every single person who is determined enough to have a job.

No, I’m talking about who you truly are — deep down.

Because let’s face it, you and I both know that we all have two personalities, who live two different lives. There’s the life we want to live, and then there’s the life we’re actually living.

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5 Audiobooks That Will Inspire, Humor, And Entertain You

I love to learn. And reading is my favorite way to learn. But sometimes I get tired of reading. Do you know that feeling?

I try to read two books per week. But when I’m working on a lot of things, and have an irregular schedule, like the past three months, I tend to read less.

But no matter what’s going on in my life, I must read at least one book a week. Why? Reading is simply my favorite time of the day. Reading gives me energy and new ideas. That’s why I do it.

But for the last three months, I’ve been working on a lot of things. We opened a new office, and I spent a lot of time with my hands tied: Moving, decorating, putting together new desks, painting walls, building a garage-gym in our warehouse, you name it.

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Should You Build Your Own Audience or Focus On Guest Posting?

build your own blog

“How do I build an audience? Should I try guest posting or focus on building a community on my own site?”

I asked myself those questions when I started blogging. I’ve learned that there are three types of options when it comes to building an audience:

  1. Post your articles on every platform that allows publishing (LinkedIn, Medium, Facebook, Tumblr). Some argue that it will increase your traffic.
  2. Only post your articles on your own site, and drive visitors exclusively to that site. Some argue it’s better for SEO traffic.
  3. Find a balance between the two above strategies (which is what I do, but more on that later).

You can be successful with all strategies. Some successful writers publish everywhere and syndicate their articles to a bunch of outlets (James Altucher). But other bloggers only stick to their own site (Mark Manson).

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