The 3 Rules Of Writing Successful Pitch Emails


What’s something that you want in your career? More clients? A new job? Attention for your app? More readers?

Whatever it is, before you get it, you need to pitch it to the person who can give it to you. I’ve been pitching all kinds of things during my career: Myself, my ideas, and my products. My pitches have failed more times than I can count my successes.

But those failures have been good to me. As renowned Brazilian jiu-jitsu instructor, Carlos Gracie Jr., once said:

“There is no losing in jiujitsu. You either win or you learn.”

The only way to survive your career is to not acknowledge failure as a setback. Instead, look at every failed pitch as a lesson. After “failing” many times, I created 3 rules for sending pitch emails that actually work.

When you apply these rules correctly, I guarantee you will get more replies.

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