What I’m Reading During Christmas And New Year

reading christmas

If you’re looking for good books during the holidays, you might find something interesting in this reading list for Christmas and New Year.

In 2015, I’ve read exactly 109 books (I use Goodreads to keep count). This is 104 books more than in 2014. Why the dramatic increase?

1) Life is short
2) Knowledge improves your life

“Not all readers are leaders, but all leaders are readers.”
― Harry S. Truman

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4 Tips To Successfully Ask For A Raise

get a raise

A common misconception is that employers always reward good work. Unfortunately, asking for a raise isn’t as simple as, “I’ve done X and Y, so I think I deserve a raise.” When you put it like that, you will likely hear an excuse like, “there is no budget.”

More importantly, asking for a raise makes most of us feel uncomfortable. How do you even ask the question? How do you prepare? What do you do when your boss says no?

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How Running Changed My Life

running changed my life

Running has truly changed my life. I never thought that because I never understood running as a form of exercise.

When physical harm is looming, our natural response is to run. It’s human nature — we either fight or flee. Most of us choose to flee— I would surely run if a wild animal would charge at me. But I also found that our fear mechanism kicks in when we face emotional challenges.

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