Get Rid Of Your High Expectations

How many times in your life have you experienced hurt, disappointment, anger, or stress, from the difference between your imagination and reality?

We’re very creative creatures. And when we set out to do things, we always expect that everything will turn out exactly the way we want. Does this sound familiar?

  • “I’m going to finish my degree. And then all the companies will line up for me. I’ll pick the one with the best compensation. And I’ll be rich.”
  • “I really like her. We’ll date for a few months. Move-in together. Get married. She’ll want four kids. We settle for two. Get a holiday home at the beach. Boom. Happy life.”
  • “My business idea is awesome. I’ll raise some cash. Hire a few people to build the product. We’ll roll it out. The media will write about it. I’ll get on TV. And then I’ll sell the company.”
  • “I’ll make a few videos. Put them on YouTube. People will share them. One of my videos will go viral. And I’m in. Show me the money.”

Chances of those scenarios coming true? I don’t know exactly. But I guess it’s somewhere close to ZERO.

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I Have 15 ideas To Change Your Life. Do you Have 5 Minutes?

15 ideas to change your life

I’m the last person to say that life is easy. I don’t think that’s the case at all. But there’s one thing I’ve learned in recent years that changed everything.

The way you THINK determines the outcome of your life. But thinking is hard. That’s why we don’t do it often enough. Helen Keller said it best:

“People don’t like to think, if one thinks, one must reach conclusions. Conclusions are not always pleasant.”

I’ll show you 15 thoughts about life that will forever transform the way you live. Ready? Let’s go.

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The Power of Giving

give more

Note: I recently shared this only with the readers of my newsletter. I thought I’d post it here too.

Have you heard the reciprocity principle in social psychology?

It’s a social rule that says people give back what they receive, it was popularized by Robert Cialdini in his book Influence. Everyone has been in that type of situation.

When you feel obligated to invite that annoying colleague for your birthday, it’s because he/she invited you as well. And you feel like you have to return the favor, right?

Reciprocity is a common technique used by marketers. It’s about giving with the expectation that you get something back.

Altruism is different. Which is basically giving for the sake of giving. You don’t expect anything in return.

And then there’s reciprocal altruism (originally a term from evolutionary biology), which is what most thought leaders use. People have different terms for it. 

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The Habits Of Unproductive People You Don’t Want To Copy

The reason I study productivity is that I’m a person with unproductive habits. I sleep too much. I talk too much. I read too much. I listen to music all day. I watch movies. I buy gadgets that turn me into a zombie.

If it wasn’t for my productivity system, get nothing done. I wouldn’t even write this article. But if you browse social media, all you see is super productive, healthy, and wealthy people. Is that really the case?

I don’t know. I just know this: You can’t be productive 24/7. And a big part of being productive is about getting rid of unproductive habits we all have.

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