Do You Want One Marshmallow Now? Or Two In 15 minutes?


“Have a little patience.” That’s something many people have told me very often in the past. And it’s true. I used to be very impatient.

Too often, we don’t realize how bad impatience is. I was recently rereading some parts of Feel the Fear and Do It Anyway by Susan Jeffers, my favorite book on conquering fear. And this sentence grabbed my attention:

“The biggest pitfall as you make your way through life is impatience.”

I’ve struggled with patience for most of my life. I always want things to happen now. There are many examples of that. 

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Cold Hard Truths About The Workplace I Learned The Hard Way

co workers are not your friends

Have you ever been let down by a colleague who you thought was a friend? Or how about getting drunk at the office party? If so, you’re not alone.

But here’s the thing: You can’t mix your professional and personal life. And that’s not a great thing to hear, right? We all desperately want to have a great time at work. And I get it.

You spend more time at work than any other place in your life, so it’s important to enjoy what you do. But doing what you love and workplace rules are two different things.

That took me a long time to understand. Granted, I’m a stubborn idiot who has to learn things the hard way. But one thing I’ve learned about the workplace is this: Things are not what they seem.

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If Social Media Makes You Feel Bad, Quit Using It

Just admit it, you’ve thought about it before. Social media is great and all. But you and I both know that it also sucks.

Does this scenario sound familiar?

  • It’s late at night, you’re in bed, you dread waking up early tomorrow because you have to go to work, so you grab your smartphone, you open up Instagram (or whatever app you’re addicted to).
  • And you start browsing, you go from one picture to the next, you watch some videos, you start feeling bad about your life, because all the other people have fun, and you have to go to work in the morning.
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Stop Chasing Opportunities

Do you believe that more opportunities equal more chances of success? I sure did.

And since we all want to feel important in this world, we think that the way to achieve that is to chase every single opportunity out there.

I hear it often: “This is a big opportunity for me.”

But that idea is broken. Chasing opportunities is a bad strategy. It’s more practical to chase skills and PREPARE for opportunities.

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