The Importance Of Self-Awareness For Entrepreneurs

The Importance Of Self-Awareness For Entrepreneurs

Are you attracted to entrepreneurship? Does the freedom appeal to you? And does that make you want to start a business of your own?

You’re not the only one.

Ever since Tim Ferriss published The 4-Hour Work Week, in which he introduced the lifestyle business concept, a lot of people are chasing the same dream.

It’s pretty appealing, right? You start a business, automate it, hire a virtual assistant, and make money while you’re sleeping or traveling the world.

Everyone wants that. That’s why a lot of people have made it their business to teach you how to do it. They say things like:

  • “Do these 20 things and you’ll earn six figures.”
  • “Get this online course and you’ll become rich easily without putting in the work!”
  • “I travel the world and make 100K of passive income per month. Here’s how I do it.”
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How I Beat Procrastination: Do It Today, Not Tomorrow

Procrastination: Do It Today Not Tomorrow

For years, I couldn’t beat procrastination. Every time I put off a decision, hit the snooze button, skipped the gym, or didn’t complete my tasks because I didn’t feel like it, I always had an explanation for my continual procrastination.

I told myself I was tired. Or that it could wait until tomorrow. Who cares if you put off something, right?

Well, you should care.

Because you’re the one who’s responsible for your life. Too often, we look at productivity tips, apps or tools as the magic answer to our problems. But that also means we allow ourselves to blame external things for our lack of productivity.

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7 Fiction Books That Change The Way You Think

always be reading

Over the past three years, I’ve read more than 200 non-fiction books. I’ve dived into Philosophy, Marketing, Productivity, Evolution, History, Biographies, and many other books you read to learn something.

Because that’s the main reason most of us read non-fiction, right? You read a book to get something out of it. And after reading a lot of similar books, you start noticing patterns.

One thing I’ve noticed is that non-fiction books of the past ten years are not boring to read. I think Malcolm Gladwell played a huge part in that development. His book The Tipping Point, published in 2000, also seems like a tipping point for non-fiction books.

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Two Writing Tips That Instantly Improve Your Everyday Writing

Do you see yourself as a writer? If not, it’s time to change that perception. Because you are a writer. In fact, everyone is. And here are two writing tips that will make your writing more effective. 

Before we get to it, let me tell you this: Writing is the most important skill in today’s attention economy.

And it’s not the best writer that wins; it’s the most effective.

It’s especially relevant to people who’re not full-time writers (probably 99.99% of all people). We almost only communicate in the written form these days. Our careers truly depend on it. 

Do you know the feeling of going back and forth with someone who misunderstood your email or text message? How about writing copy that no one responds to? Or resumes and cover letters that get zero response?

You can’t escape writing. We all communicate with words. And every time you fail to achieve your goal with writing, it has nothing to do with your literary qualities: It has everything to do with its effectiveness.

Everyday writing has only one goal: Get people to act.

Write it down, take a picture of it, or do anything to remember that. Because that’s the single most important thing I’ve learned about writing.

And that’s not even one of the two writing tips that I’m sharing in this article.

Most writers are pretentious. They endlessly talk about literature and poetry, but no one is ever moved by their work. That’s because they might be wonderful writers, but they are not effective if there’s no outcome.

Stephen King, who has written nearly 100 books, including one of my favorite writing books On Writing, put it very directly:

“Writing is seduction.”

Seduction, persuasion, we all do it (at least, we try). You want attention, the pretty boy/girl, a job, money, or whatever it is that you’re trying to get with your words.

And when you get what you want with writing, your writing is effective. So let’s talk about two tips that can help you with that.

Tip #1: Stop Using Standard Phrases

The first thing that I had to unlearn when I came out of college was academic writing. Just like business writing, it’s not how humans interact with each other.

Our writing is often unclear and doesn’t sound like us at all. For instance, when’s the last time you said these phrases?

  • In order to
  • That is to say
  • To that end
  • Moreover
  • What’s more
  • In conclusion

Those are academic phrases that many people who went to college still use. No one talks like that. Or how about business phrases:

  • As per your request
  • Enclosed
  • Please be advised
  • Yours truly
  • Please do not hesitate to contact me
  • Please note that
  • I am writing to you to inform you that
  • In reply to your request
  • I’m pleased to announce
  • We regret to inform you that
  • Dear Sir
  • Dear Madam

It’s all meaningless. Empty. Faceless. And these phrases exist in most languages.

You can cut out all the above stuff (unless you’re a lawyer or work in an extremely formal industry). It’s just not effective because people will think you’re a robot.

If you want to write in a way that will make people take action after reading your words, you want to sound like a human. That’s what makes writing effectively.

Here’s a rule of thumb: Not using a word in speech? Don’t use it in writing.

Tip #2: Always Edit Your Writing For Visual Appeal

Let’s talk about something that has nothing to do with words. The way writing looks also determines how effective it is.

Most writing looks something like this (not only emails):

writing tip - avoid this

The problem is that we live in a ‘scan’ economy. People scan and skim everything before they read it. Why? There are literally a million other things you can do with your time.

Before you read something, you want to know if it’s any good, useful, or important. More like this:

Writing tips to format for eye appeal

Unless you’re an academic, journalist or person who’s writing a book, you want your writing to look easily digestible. That means this:

  • Hit enter after every 2–3 sentences.
  • Use bullet points for explaining things.
  • Make text you want people to notice bold.

Writing that looks predictable and boring doesn’t move people.

The key is never to overdo it. Editing for eye appeal means variety. Switch it up. Make your writing look good by using different formatting.

You can apply that strategy to almost everything. Articles, emails, reports, cover letters, etc.

Those two writing tips make every day writing more effective. Because to me, that’s what writing is about. Get people to act with your words.

But remember that writing is a craft. With practice, we get better as Hemingway once said:

“We are all apprentices in a craft where no one ever becomes a master.”

We keep learning. But as long as your writing is effective, it will get the job done. And that’s the only thing that matters.