The 5 Habits of Financially Responsible People

Financially Responsible People

The way you treat your money is a result of the habits you have. This is what sets financially responsible people apart from others. And I’m not only talking about the habit of spending.

If you’ve tried to change your spending in the past and failed, I’m not surprised.

Being financially fit and responsible is a lifestyle. It’s not just about what you do with your money. People who are financially responsible are…

  • Intentional with their spending
  • Inwardly focused and enjoy the small things
  • Saving money diligently every single month
  • Spend less than they earn

It’s about how you live your entire life. The good news is that you have the power to change your life.

Simply change your habits. People often say it’s difficult to change because they just can’t help but fall back on their old habits.

That’s true. And that’s not the only challenge. Especially when it comes to our finances, we have to go against our nature. Think about it. Saving for the future doesn’t make sense from an evolutionary point of view. 

But as the French philosopher Blaise Pascal said:

“Habit is a second nature that destroys the first.”

What follows is a list of habits I believe will replace our destructive first nature when it comes to money. 

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