When You Fail To Achieve Your Goals, Try Systems Instead

goals and systems

Do you set high goals for yourself? If you’re ambitious, or if you simply want to do a lot of things in life — there’s something you might have experienced: Goals can sometimes be counterproductive.

I see it a lot with the highest achieving people. When you want to live a meaningful life, you quickly feel like you need to do a lot of things, and set many goals.

I also like to set a goal before I start something, so I know what direction I’m heading. Also, I love to plan my goals with the end in mind. When you start with the end in mind (your goal), you can easily trace it back to daily actions.

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Is “Good Enough” Really Good Enough?

How often have you said, “I’ve done a good enough job,” and moved on?

If you’re like me, that’s the story of your life. It started when I was in school. I didn’t care about my grades. I just wanted to finish something and move on.

I always said, “no one cares about your grades.” And I believed that in “real life” no looks at your report cards from ages ago. And in fact, it’s true. Other than my parents, no one has ever looked at my grades — not from high school, and not from college.

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5 Practical Books I Reread Every Year To Live A Better Life

best books - reading list by Darius Foroux

Out of all the different ways to learn, books remain my favorite way to absorb knowledge. I especially like practical books with the knowledge that you can immediately apply to your life.

What I like about books is that I can read them by myself, in silence. It’s me and the author, one on one, having a conversation in my mind.

In the beginning of this year, I shared my system for reading 100 books a year. It was interesting to see how many people saw it as a challenge. But there were also many skeptics.

  • Why would you read so much?
  • This guy is full of shit.
  • There’s no way I can do that.

Think about what you want. Reading changes people. And fortunately, many people in this world read a lot. That’s a good thing.

I strongly believe that reading, and educating yourself, is the answer to a better life. And ultimately, freedom. Nelson Mandela said it best:

“Education is the most powerful weapon which you can use to change the world.”

Out of all the books I’ve read, I have a small number of favorite books. I always keep them on my desk.

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4 Rules To Achieve Inbox Zero And Stress-Level Zero

Do the emails, that pile up in your inbox, give you stress? Well, you’re not the only one. Many of us HATE email and can never get to inbox zero. And at the same time, we also can’t live without it.

Why do we hate email? You know, sometimes you get an email that just shoots up all your stress, anxiety, and overall nervousness levels. Shit like “URGENT” or “NEEDS SOLUTION” really creeps me out.

I love all caps, but mostly in a sarcastic way, and not in a “do this right now or I will go ape shit on you” way.

And then there’s all the junk email that just clutters your inbox. Check out what someone sent me the other day:

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