These 27 Deep Questions Will Improve Your Self-Awareness

self awareness questions

Self-awareness is currently one of the sexiest words in entrepreneurship, happiness, productivity, or anything that has to do with personal growth.

Almost every entrepreneur or thought leader says that self-awareness is one of the keys to personal success. While that may be true — it’s by no means a new concept.

Greek philosopher Aristotle, who lived between 384–322 BC, once said:

“Knowing yourself is the beginning of all wisdom.”

We get it, self-awareness (or knowing yourself) is important. But I’ve learned that it’s also one of the most difficult things that you can master in life.

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Never Let Praise Get To Your Head


One of my first jobs was as a telemarketer for a telecom provider. It was basically cold-calling people all day, trying to sell them mobile contracts

I picked things up quickly and became the top-performing salesperson on the floor. In my first month, I made at least five sales a day, which was more than double what others sold.

People praised me big time. It also got to my head big time. By my fourth month, I got into a big slump. During one stretch, I didn’t sell anything for almost two weeks.

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How To Keep Going Strong When Life Kicks Your Ass

life kicks in the ass

Life something kicks you in the ass. Bad things happen to us. How do you get up and recover from it? How do you keep going?

And it’s not a question of if something bad will happen, but when. So you better have a strategy to deal with setbacks.

We all have to deal with hurt, sadness, and loss in our lives. That’s a given. So it is not important to ask yourself why bad things happen.

As Epictetus said about 2000 years ago:

“It’s not what happens to you, but how you react to it that matters.”

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Instead Of Trying To Find Your Passion, Let Your Passion Find You


We collectively believe in a lot of myths. One of them is that your life only makes sense if you do what you love. That might be true, but the pursuit of your passion can be equally satisfying, which is something we often overlook.

Casey Neistat is an awesome YouTuber and entrepreneur. In his vlogs, he often talks about how much he loves his work (most recently here). And he advocates the belief of “find a job that you love and you don’t have to work for a day in your life.”

He’s not the only one who believes that. Many artists, athletes, entrepreneurs believe the same.

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