22 Life Lessons I Learned From My Mentors That Every Person Should Know

With every conversation I have, a book I read, a mistake I make, and new knowledge I acquire, I feel less sure about everything.

The French philosopher Voltaire said it best:

“The more I read, the more I acquire, the more certain I am that I know nothing.”

When I got my first degree in business, nine years ago, I was certain I knew nothing. So I got a master’s degree after that. That took me about two more years.

Still, I knew nothing. So after that, I did my best to learn from mentors, family, business partners, clients, friends, colleagues. I tried to absorb all their knowledge.

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If There’s No Light At The End Of The Tunnel: QUIT

If There’s No Light At The End Of The Tunnel: QUIT

Don’t you think life is weird sometimes? Take quitting.

Most of us believe that it’s wrong to quit. That it’s for losers. And that quitting equals failure.

The ‘never quit’ attitude is a good thing. Especially when we pursue hard things. I don’t think you should ever quit just because you can’t handle something.

However, quitting is also a smart strategy. Sometimes quitting is even the better option.

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Consistency Is Key: Improve By 0.1% Every Day

Improve By 0.1% Every Day

Do you ever worry about things you don’t control?

If you do, join the club. It happens to all of us.

But worrying is a waste of time and energy. I’ll show you a little exercise from my book Win Your Inner Battles that helps you to stop worrying.

Imagine the following situation: You make a mistake at work that upsets a client.

Maybe you send someone a wrong email. Maybe you forget to solve a problem. It doesn’t matter what it is. Imagine that something goes seriously wrong at work.

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Why I Run: Exercise and Meditation

running is meditation

Every time I tell people I run, they ask: “Are you training for a marathon?” Or they ask if I’ve ever run a marathon.

Somehow, most of us believe that running a marathon is the ultimate benchmark of running. I used to think that too.

The ‘Marathon’ story is probably one of the most well-known stories in the world. The most mythical version goes like this:

The Persians were battling the Greeks in the fifth century B.C. And at the Battle Of Marathon, the Athenian army was outnumbered four to one. There was a full-on battle going on at Marathon.

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