The Purpose Of Life Is Not Happiness: It’s Usefulness

For the longest time, I believed that there’s only one purpose of life: And that is to be happy.

Right? Why else go through all the pain and hardship? It’s to achieve happiness in some way.

And I’m not the only person who believed that. In fact, if you look around you, most people are pursuing happiness in their lives.

That’s why we collectively buy shit we don’t need, go to bed with people we don’t love and try to work hard to get the approval of people we don’t like.

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The Most Important Working Habit Of Hemingway: Stop At The Height of Your Day

One of my favorite things to study is the working habits of people I look up to. I’ve read about athletes, entrepreneurs, painters, musicians, writers, etc.

And from studying people who were successful in their field, I’ve learned a lot about how they got their work done. A great book to get inspiration about the habits of interesting people is Daily Rituals by Mason Curry.

One thing is sure: Everyone who achieved some form of success accomplished it by working. But work can happen in many different ways.

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Do You Want To Live A Happy Life? Smile.

Happy life smile

Sometimes there’s no reason to smile in life, but I’ll smile anyway because I’m happy. Yes, I’m one of those people who always smile.

  • I smile when I enter a room.
  • I smile when I see other people.
  • I smile when I’m by myself.
  • I smile when I see the sun.
  • I smile when things are difficult.

Am I crazy? A pessimist would say yes.

But smiling is an attitude. Most people think it’s an effect of something.

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30 Things I’ve Learned From Publishing 100 Articles

On August 7, 2015, I published my first article on When I hit that publish button I had no idea where it would lead to. I also had zero expectations about how many people would read my stuff.

Now, 100 articles further (this is #101), things are a lot different. I never thought I’d meet so many great people through blogging. I also never thought I would end up drawing my own blog images (I was always the least creative kid in school).

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