Self-Reliance Is The Secret Sauce To Consistent Happiness

self reliance, trust yourself

Modern society has not advanced one bit ever since it started. Sure, technology has advanced. And the world is safer. But when you talk about society itself, nothing has changed.

Ralph Waldo Emerson said it best in his 1841 essay called Self-Reliance:

“Society is a wave. The wave moves onward, but the water of which it is composed does not.”

People have not changed. The problems you’re facing today are not new. And one of those problems is that we are needy. VERY needy.

Why is that a problem? Without self-reliance, you can never be consistently happy. And even though the purpose of life is not happiness in my opinion, being happy is still something that’s important to us.

Happiness determines the quality of your life. No one wants to live a shitty life.

Let’s look at how self-reliant you are.

  • Do you expect your romantic partner to make you happy?
  • Do you think your friends should always be there for you?
  • Do you expect that your boss will always give you money?
  • Do you say people are stupid when they don’t buy your products or services?
  • Do you find it difficult to be alone?
  • Do you feel like a nobody when people ignore you at work?
  • Do you feel hurt when someone doesn’t invite you to a birthday or any other social event?

I can’t say I’ve been immune to those thoughts. In fact, in the past, my answer was yes to all the above questions.

I was the opposite of self-reliant. It’s not surprising that we’re this way. It all starts when we’re born. We rely on our parents to survive. And when we become adults we should become self-reliant individuals, but funnily enough, we become even more dependent on others.

In life, we always turn outwardly for everything: Happiness, advice, affection, love, approval.

We ask experts for advice. We use drugs when we’re in pain. We expect others to solve our problems.

When we look at ourselves, we never even consider that we might not need those things. Being part of society is great and all. But never take it too far. Otherwise, you become a dependent robot who can’t function by itself.

It’s much better to rely on yourself. Not in a selfish way. But in an emotional way. You don’t need others to be happy.

Trust Yourself

In the same essay about self-reliance, Emerson also says:

“Trust thyself: every heart vibrates to that iron string.”

It’s one of the paradoxes in life. We want to be liked and loved by the ones we care about.

But the moment we lose ourselves and our identity, we can no longer be the person we want to be. When you’re needy, you only damage your relationships in the long-term.

But at the same time, we believe that it’s bad to depend on yourself. But it’s not. Because when you’re self-reliant, you can enrich the lives of the people around you much more.

I’ve only learned this in recent years. And even though I must confess I don’t fully master emotional self-reliance, I have made significant steps that positively changed my life.

It’s a skill that I recommend everyone to learn. What you will find next are 6 lessons that can help you to become emotionally self-reliant.

I’ve drawn these lessons from Stoicism, Transcendentalism, and Pragmatism.

Here we go.

1. Have a voice

How often do you think or feel something and you’re afraid of speaking it? We feel that we always have to agree with everything and everyone.

That makes us afraid of confrontation. Instead of being timid, stand up right and say what you think without reservation.

Also, never shy away from confrontation. If you want to have a voice in the world, you can’t expect that will happen smoothly.

To practice this, for the next few weeks, don’t shy away from verbal confrontation with others. Not in an aggressive way. But when you don’t agree with something; say it.

When we have a conflict, we often say to ourselves, “I don’t care.” And we walk away. But is that really the case? Do you really not care? Often, it’s just a defense mechanism.

It’s always harder to speak your mind and to stand for something.

Also, you don’t have to agree with everything your idols or examples say. I look up to many people, but I don’t consider them as saints. No one is.

2. Learn how to master your emotions

We’re too quick with expressing our emotions.

  • “I’m tired.”
  • “This day sucks.”
  • “People are untrustworthy.”
  • “My belly aches.”
  • “My boss is a narcissist.”

Who the fuck cares?

Nothing’s going to change when you let out all your emotions. In other words: Speaking out your emotions is not always useful.

Instead, learn how to become a master of your feelings and emotions. I’m not asking you to become a robot. No, just know the purpose of emotions.

Are you sad? Are you in love? Are you mourning? Don’t hold it back. That’s real.

Are you just annoyed? Being a little child? Check yourself. Don’t let worthless emotions consume you.

3. Celebrate adversity

Most people hide from difficulty and internal turmoil. You don’t need to travel to the other side of the world to find yourself. Remember this: Your problems will always travel with you.

Face your challenges and demons head on.

I even like to take it one step further. When something bad happens to my health, relationships, or finances, I’m thankful.

Every setback is an opportunity to test your self-reliance. That’s why you have to celebrate adversity. Without it, you will never become a complete and reliable person.

4. Separate yourself from everything

Nothing is forever. We forget that in daily life. We get attached to objects, people, and memories.

To truly appreciate something, you have to realize that you will lose it one day. If you believe that you will live forever or that you will be loved until the end of time—you get lazy. You will take things for granted.

But once you separate yourself from everything in life, you become a passenger who tries to make the most out of every single minute.

Always keep this in the back of your mind: I owe nothing, and nothing is owed to me.

When you do that, you’re not only self-reliant but also appreciative of life.

5. Get comfortable with yourself

Do you freak out when you’re alone for a moment? Most of us can’t stand the thought of spending a day or longer alone.

Instead of grabbing your phone and texting/calling a friend, go for a walk. Just walk around town.

Maybe take a book with you. Head over to a coffee shop. Order a drink. Read your book. Maybe talk to a stranger. Daydream a bit.

If you’re not into reading, try learning a language, go to meetups, join a running club. There are a million ways to spend your time. You don’t need others to have a good time.

Always have a list of things you can do with your time. If one thing falls through, don’t worry, do something else with your precious time (just don’t waste it).

Whatever you do, get comfortable in your own skin, it’s the only one you will ever have.

6. Live without regrets

Life is a series of unrelated events and decisions. We always try to make sense out of it. We say things like, “everything happens for a reason.”

But understand: Life just happens. You will never be able to explain everything with 100% certainty and proof.

It’s useless to think, “what if?” You are where you are in life because of a few random things, plus the decisions you made personally.

Just accept it. If you’re unhappy or if you want to change, just change your standards. You can’t change the past. So it only makes sense to live without regret. See things for what they are.

And that brings us back to Emerson again, he said:

“If we live truly, we shall see truly . . . When we have new perception, we shall gladly disburden the memory of its hoarded treasures as old rubbish.”

And that’s life. It’s easy as changing your existing thoughts when they are not useful to you.

You see? Happiness has been in your life all along. You just don’t see it all the time. But when you stop looking for it outside of yourself, you will find that you can truly rely on yourself — and that will help you to love others.

Not because you need it, but simply because you can.

How To Study People You Admire And Ask For Their Advice

I often talk about how I like to learn from other people. The primary way I do that is by just studying them.

In most cases, you don’t even need to contact people to learn from them. That’s why people write books and blog posts. That’s also why entrepreneurs speak at events or create courses.

It’s far more effective to use a medium that allows you to reach a lot of people to spread ideas. Otherwise, people would spend their whole lives to do 1-on-1 conversations and emails.

When someone writes a book, they can reach everyone who is interested.

And yet, a lot of people believe they should randomly email people and ask for advice. Why? You can get most of the advice you need by reading the person’s book or blog.

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The 7 Best Books I’ve Ever Read About Writing

Writing has helped me to become better at thinking, speaking, and making decisions. And I’ve used books about writing to improve myself.

I firmly believe that anything worthwhile in your career should start with writing.

From creating resumes to business plans. If you don’t start with writing, you often lack clarity in your messaging.

And that was also the story of my life. In fact, it still is. Most people never think about it, but it’s damned hard to express yourself. Do you have a clear answer to questions like:

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Why I Don’t Believe In Work-Life Balance

Do you get drained trying to find work-life balance? It’s hard. There’s work, promotions, goals, making money on one side of the equation.

And on the other side, there’s health, family, friends, holidays, you name it. Here comes the main challenge: How do you balance everything?
When we talk about work–life balance, we talk about the prioritizing between work related things and lifestyle related things.

What do you do?

  • Chasing career vs settling down
  • Taking risk vs being conservative
  • Chasing money vs intrinsic rewards
  • Working vs resting
  • Giving vs taking
  • Thinking of yourself vs others
  • Spending time with family vs friends

Deciding seems impossible. Result? Stress, worry, anxiety.

Research even shows that people who believe they don’t have time for their personal life, feel drained and distracted at work.

Recently I was talking to one my friends. He and his wife recently had their second baby. And he was saying how he struggled with balance when they had their first child. But now, he decided to simplify things.

90% of his time goes to family, work, and himself. All the other things in life he ignores. No balance. All or nothing in a few areas.

And I’m exactly the same. I don’t think balance is a good strategy.

A pragmatic view.

Let’s look at this work-life balance situation.

Let’s say you have 9–5 job. But you want to be in the office by 8.30am. So you leave the house at 7.30am. You want to leave early and you finish up work at 5.30pm. It’s 6.30pm before you get home.

That whole work aspect of your day takes 10 hours in that scenario, which is not uncommon. Let’s say you sleep 7 hours. That gives you 17 waking hours.

That means you spend 59% of your time on work related things.

There goes your balance.

Plus, we spend most of our free time thinking, worrying, and talking about work.

It’s safe the say there’s no such thing as a work-life balance.

You see? Work-life balance doesn’t exist. Work is life.

  • If work is holding back your personal or spiritual growth, find different work.
  • If work is screw up your relationships, again, find different work.

Don’t make things harder for yourself. 

You don’t have to be perfect. You don’t have to have it all.

To me, there are only a few important things. My health, having good relationships, and that’s about it. It’s pretty easy to balance that.

We spend too much time balancing things we don’t need in our lives. That turns our life into a circus act.

Trying to find work-life balance only makes life complicated. Don’t get me wrong; I don’t mind complicated things. I like math and econometrics.

But I don’t like it when people complicate very simple things. Work-life balance is only an issue if you turn it into one. And why do you even need to balance a thousand things?

Henry David Thoreau said it best:

“Simplicity, simplicity, simplicity! I say, let your affairs be as two or three, and not a hundred or a thousand.”

If you oversimplify your life, and decide what your life is exactly about—you will find there are only a few priorities that matter.

You don’t need to do everything. It’s fine if you only have time for a few things in life.

Don’t worry. Don’t balance. Simplify.