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How To Go From Zero To One

from zero to one

Do you have a long list of goals that you want to achieve? We all know the first step is the hardest. How do you even set that first step? How do you go from zero to one?

  • From zero revenue to earning your first dollar.
  • From zero followers to one follower.
  • From unemployed to getting á job.
  • From zero users to one user.

In the beginning, it’s not about finding your dream job, becoming a multi-millionaire, having 1M followers.

No, it’s about taking that first step. Your first pleasant job. Your first reader. Your first user. Your first sale.

Here are 7 steps that help bring you from zero to one.

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8 Productive Ways To Use The Time You’re Normally Wasting On Waiting

productive ways to use time while waiting

One of my readers, Will, recently asked me about productive ways to use the time you’re normally wasting on waiting:

“How do you make the best use of the spaces in the day between other things? The few minutes here and there: waiting in line for coffee, before a meeting starts, waiting for the bus etc. I normally pull out Twitter on my phone, but most content there is rubbish and it feels like wasting time.”

Awesome question, and there’s no way I could put that better. So here we go.

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How To Set Goals That Help You Succeed

goals that help you succeed

Setting goals is a way of actively seeking out your ambitions. But before you start starting to chasing your dreams, start by defining your goals.

If you do not have goals, make them up. Everything is better than having no goals at all. Even if you don’t know what you want to do with your life, you have a goal: Find out what you want to do with your life.

Some people tell me: “I’m just not an ambitious person.” No one is born with ambition or predefined goals. Ambition is a conscious decision to pursue growth in life, through experience or achievement. 

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7 Keys To Reclaim Your Agenda By Dealing With Email

reclaim your agenda

What’s your strategy for dealing with email? For many years, I didn’t have one. I simply checked my email all day long. It reminds me of a quote from Seneca’s book, On The Shortness Of Life:

“We all sorely complain of the shortness of time, and yet have much more than we know what to do with. Our lives are either spent in doing nothing at all, or in doing nothing to the purpose, or in doing nothing that we ought to do. We are always complaining that our days are few, and acting as though there would be no end of them.”

What is the first thing you do when you started working this morning? Chances are high you checked your email. Most people let their agenda schedule their day.

Email is nothing more than someone asking for your time; do not let them steal your time by immediately responding to emails. Before you realize it, you are working on other people’s schedules.

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