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Best Investing Articles: Over 32 Posts to Become a Better Investor


How do you start investing? Where do you invest? And when do you know when you’re “ready” to do so? I’ll be walking you through the blog’s best investing articles to answer all that.

But to understand things better, let’s look at Bernie Madoff; a former chairman of the Nasdaq. Because of his credentials, people trusted him and they invested in his fund. He promised them a 13% to 20% annual return. Even if the Standard & Poor’s 500 (which tracks the performance of the top 500 companies in the United States) is only posts around 10% annual returns.

Madoff started taking people’s money in the 90s. In 2008, he was finally caught. The whole operation was a Ponzi scheme: Madoff was merely taking money from his clients and circulating that money as “returns.” Investors lost a total of over $17.5 billion.

The lesson of this story? Don’t believe everything you see/read about investing. Even people who have “respectable investing credentials” are not entirely trustworthy. Always remember that if an investing “opportunity” sounds too good to be true, then it likely is.

Here is what every beginner and intermediate investor needs to succeed: Knowledge and understanding of what they’re investing in. You don’t need to read every spreadsheet. But you do need some basic understanding.

In this guide, I share the most important things investors need to know before they invest. By taking the time to learn more now, you can avoid losing too much money in the future.

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5 Passive Income Ideas to Get Inevitably Rich

Passive Income Ideas Get Rich Slowly

In 99 out of 100 cases, it takes years to get rich. But since the media loves highlighting that one person who got rich overnight with a few passive income ideas, many of us have a screwed-up idea of how people get wealthy.

While we know that get-rich-quick schemes never work (otherwise they wouldn’t be called that), most folks don’t know that building wealth is not that complicated.

The problem with getting rich is that it takes time. And in this impatient world, people just don’t want to wait. They want to be rich now.

But if you decide to go against the grain and commit to building long-term wealth, you will inevitably become wealthy if you do one thing: Increase your net worth every year.

The best way to make that happen is to have multiple income streams. If you only have one or two income streams right now, that’s fine. With consistency and time, you’ll eventually get there. It doesn’t happen overnight.

If you’re serious about building wealth over time, you will accomplish that goal because you control your behavior. When executed well, the following passive income ideas will increase your net worth gradually.

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6 Steps to Get Rich as a Writer

rich writer effective writing

20 years ago, being able to get rich as a fully-independent writer would’ve been close to impossible. Today’s technology and the internet changed all that.

But that also means more people can access these opportunities. Everyone can post online, which is what makes it also competitive.

But with the right strategy and dedication, it’s definitely doable to earn a good living. I started blogging in 2015. About three years later, I started generating six figures of profit a year. I’ve used that profit to invest and generate a net worth of seven figures.

I share this to say it’s possible. You can get rich as a writer. And to be honest, you can get rich in any profession if you’re serious about learning the skills you need to succeed.

The tips I’m about to share aren’t get-rich-quick fixes. These things take serious work and commitment.

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Best Entrepreneurship Articles: Over 50 Posts to Build a Business

Best Entrepreneurship Articles Guide

We all want to make our business or side hustle profitable. But that doesn’t always happen. In this guide, I list my best entrepreneurship articles to help start or improve your business.

Building and growing a business is not as straightforward as most people think. There are many hidden principles that you must know about as an entrepreneur.

It’s not only about trying to succeed or dealing with failure. The lessons you’ll read about here are the ones I’ve learned from personal experience and my mentors.

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