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10 Lessons For A Good Life

10 lessons for a good life

On a deeper level, we all aspire to have a good life. I’ve never met a person who said, “I love to be miserable!” It doesn’t happen. And if it does, they need to open their eyes. Life is good. But we insist on making it bad for ourselves.

You have the power to do anything with your life. If you’re currently not living a good life, it doesn’t say anything about you, it probably means your way of thinking doesn’t serve you. 

That’s one of the main lessons I’ve learned about living a good life. It’s all about perception. The way you look at life determines your actions. And your life is a summary of your actions. 

So if you want to change your actions (and your life), simply change the way you look at life. Here are 10 lessons that helped me to do that. I hope they will help you as much as they helped me.

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17 Hard Truths About Life I Ignored For Way Too Long

stuck in quicksand - life truths

I recently got stuck. My attention was scattered, my energy was low, and I didn’t do good work. At those times, I think of something I learned from one of my friends and mentors: Always return to the basics—the truths of life.

When you’re overwhelmed, confused, or lack drive; return to the basics of life. Ask yourself: What makes a good life? What you’ll find is that you already know the answer. The problem is that you ignore it because the truth is uncomfortable.

So after I got stuck last time, I thought of the hard life truths I was ignoring. Once I returned to these lessons, everything improved again. Here’s the list I made for myself. Remember, these lessons are uncomfortable, but deep down, we all know how important they are.

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Give Me 5 Minutes and I’ll Give You 5 Ways To Earn More

5 ways to earn more money

Every time I write and talk about personal finance, people ask me, “But how I do make more money?”

Making money is not that hard. You’re probably making your share of cash right now. That means you already know how to do it, right? That’s one of the first things I learned about money.

You have to look at making money as something you already know how to do. If you have a job or ever had a job, you know how to do it. Now, making more money on your own, that’s the next step.

But if you think it’s impossible, you’ll never do it. You need to stop thinking that only the privileged or fortunate ones can earn more. That’s not only false but it’s also self-sabotage.

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14 Things About Life I Need To Remind Myself Of Every Day

smell the roses

I don’t know about you, but I forget about 95% of the things I learn. No matter how much I read, journal, and process all the wisdom of life, I keep on forgetting the things that make life better. It’s crucial to remind ourselves of important

At least, that’s what I assume. But that’s my own mind playing tricks on me. Even though it might seem like we forget, everything we read and practice has an impact on the way we live.

Ralph Waldo Emerson illustrated this point clearly when he said:

“I have forgotten the books I have read, and so I have the dinners I have eaten; but they both helped to make me.”

What you put in your brain influences your thoughts. And the quality of your thoughts influences the outcome of your life. That’s why I protect the gates to my brain as much as I can.

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