Why You Can’t Break Your Bad Habits

bad habits

I’ve tried many different ways to break my bad habits. But none of the conventional tips and tricks brought me lasting success.

We try the weirdest things to get rid of our bad habits. And we blindly believe every single person who gives us advice on the topic.

The most popular advice is this: “Replace a bad habit with a good one.”

It’s wrong. It doesn’t work.

I’ve discovered a much more effective way of changing our lives by changing our habits. I’d love to share it with you. But first, let’s ask ourselves a question.

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How I Stay Positive

How I Stay Positive

One of my readers recently replied this to one of my weekly newsletter emails:

“How are you so positive?”

I thought to myself, “Haven’t I written about this before?” I went through all my articles and the answer is no. I have written about the importance of having a positive mindset a lot.

But after 6 years of blogging, this was the first time I got that question. And it’s so on point. Sometimes we take things for granted. Even though I’ve experienced many challenges in life (like almost every other human being), I never gave up my positive mindset.

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The Four Pillars Of A Fulfilling Career

four career pillars

You probably spend at least 50% of your waking hours at work, going to work, or thinking about work. And to be honest, that percentage is quite modest. For most of us, our career consumes almost 80% of our time and energy. It’s on our minds all the time.

It’s not a surprise that 1 out of 2 people is unhappy with their careers. We trade our precious time for frustration and money.

Ever thought about that? Four years ago, I was also frustrated with my career. And because your job plays such an important role, my whole life felt like shit.

I’m not saying you should love your work at all times and that your career should be one big party. No, some days I also don’t like my current career. But I’m 100% comfortable with the way I spend my time.

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How To Make Next Year Your Best Year

best year ever

Exactly 5 years ago, I had a rough time during this time of the year. My career and life felt stuck. I had no idea what to do about it.

From the outside, it looked like I was doing well. I had my own business, a decent apartment, and a nice car. But I didn’t have any perspective. I still lived in my hometown and frankly, I was bored with my life.

Does that sound familiar? You have an okay life, and yet, it doesn’t feel right. It’s the ultimate challenge of the 21st century. Our lives are safer than ever, and yet, we feel empty.

By the end of 2013, my frustration was building up. I started blaming everything and everyone for my lack of growth.

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