Welcome to Wise & Wealthy: A weekly newsletter full of proven ideas to become smarter and wealthier. I send this every Monday and every other Thursday.
#28 – August 29, 2022
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Over the last several months, my team and I have been working on launching various things:
- We launched Wise & Wealthy, a different kind of newsletter for the website
- I’ve finished my new book, which is about stoic investing (my team helped with the research)
- we launched my newest course: Simple Investing
- Various parts of the website have been re-designed and improved
These are major team efforts. And they take a lot of time and mental energy to accomplish. There’s always a lot going on.
And journaling helps me keep everything organized in my mind and to stay focused.
Journaling isn’t new. You probably read about its benefits everywhere. Maybe you’ve tried it before and experienced the benefits yourself.
If you’re thinking about starting to keep a journal or have tried before and stopped, I can’t recommend it enough.
↳ Read This if You Want to Keep a Journal but Don’t Know How
Growing up, I tracked every penny I had. Because we didn’t have much money, we had to be very careful with our spending. Over the years, I maintained those frugal habits.
Even if I’m financially free now, I still hesitate before I spend. It’s a problem many other frugal people have.
The philosopher Alan Watts explained it best in his talk, Pursuit of Pleasure. He discussed the balance between being frugal and spending:
“What is practical? Well, you made money. But that’s not practical until you spend it; until you enjoy it. It’s very difficult to enjoy money. Money is a great responsibility. Besides, if you get lots of it, you’re afraid something’s going to take it away.”
Money is a means. It’s here to help us and our loved ones live better. When I find myself being frugal just for the sake of being frugal, I force myself to spend responsibly.
I talk more about this concept in my latest article.
↳ Old Frugal Habits Die Hard: Why I Force Myself to Spend More
One interesting thing
I recently learned about a thing called a ‘Backpod‘ from my brother. It’s a small oval-shaped rubber device that you can use to release tightness. He bought it for his upper back.
I gave it a try and really liked it. Especially to release tightness in my lower back. You just lay down, put your legs up at a 90 degrees angle on a chair, and put the Backpod in your lower back for five minutes.
There are a lot of YouTube videos about different kinds of exercises and stretches. I’m a fan.
Thanks for reading! I hope you found this edition of Wise & Wealthy useful.
All the best,
Join the 7-day Stay Centered challenge
I’ve created a one-week email course that you can do together with a group. It’s called Stay Centered, and it will help you to reclaim focus and live a meaningful life.
When you’re centered, nothing can hurt you. You will have inner peace no matter what happens.

How to unlock Stay Centered
You can join the challenge for free. Every day, you’ll receive a short email with a small challenge that inspires you to live better.
I highly recommend sharing it with your friends so you can go through the program together. I did it with my team, which was a lot of fun.
Join here: dariusforoux.com/stay-centered