Welcome to Wise & Wealthy: A weekly newsletter full of proven ideas to become smarter and wealthier. I send this every Monday and every other Thursday.
#5 – May 16, 2022
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You might work 50 hours a week, but if you don’t experience any growth personally, emotionally, or financially, you will get frustrated.
No one likes the feeling of working yourself to death without making any progress.
That’s why I always focus on the concept of personal effectiveness, which Peter Drucker referred to as getting the right things done.
Drucker said that if you want to get things done, you want to allocate large chunks of (uninterrupted) time to your work:
“To be effective, every knowledge worker, and especially every executive, needs to be able to dispose of time in fairly large chunks. To have small dribs and drabs of time at his disposal will not be sufficient even if the total is an impressive number of hours.”
I recommend keeping a simple activity log to measure your time (just keep track of what you do every day for two weeks). When you know where it goes, you can make adjustments.
↳ Know Thy Time: Peter Drucker’s Strategy to Become More Effective
I grew up in The Netherlands as a first-generation immigrant. Where I lived, people were mostly unemployed and in rough financial situations.
That motivated me to avoid that fate. As I grew up and started learning more about money, I learned that most people who live in developed countries have opportunities to earn.
The problem is that they often have bad habits and beliefs.
One main problem is that most people have a scarcity mindset. They think small and think they can never build wealth. Instead, adopt an abundant mindset.
Become a creator, not a consumer. To me, that’s true abundance. When you can create something from nothing.
In my newest article, I talk about a few more habits we can adopt to become financially free.
↳ Better Money Habits to Become Financially Free
One interesting thing
This week I have a fitness tip for those who are traveling (or those planning to).
I’ve been in Andalusia, Spain, for a few weeks now. When I got here, I went looking for a gym to work out. But the gyms I visited were all not great (either too crowded or too far).
So I rethought my workout regimen. I bought a TRX Go and a foldable yoga mat.
Instead of lifting weights hard 2 or 3 times a week, I do a 30-minute full-body workout every day with TRX and some bodyweight exercises.
And I also run 3/4 times a week. With this routine, I’ve gotten in even better shape. This routine is so simple that I will probably keep it up when I’m back home.
Thanks for reading! I hope you found this edition of Wise & Wealthy useful.
All the best,
Join the 7-day Stay Centered challenge
I’ve created a one-week email course that you can do together with a group. It’s called Stay Centered, and it will help you to reclaim focus and live a meaningful life.
When you’re centered, nothing can hurt you. You will have inner peace no matter what happens.

How to unlock Stay Centered
You can join the challenge for free. Every day, you’ll receive a short email with a small challenge that inspires you to live better.
I highly recommend sharing it with your friends so you can go through the program together. I did it with my team, which was a lot of fun.
Join here: dariusforoux.com/stay-centered