Welcome to Wise & Wealthy: A weekly newsletter full of proven ideas to become smarter and wealthier. I send this every Monday. This is a special announcing my next book.
This is a special edition announcing my next book!
#111 – February 12, 2024
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Wise & Wealthy: Build enduring wealth
On February 8, 2021, I published an article called “The Stoic Path to Wealth.”
In the piece, I revealed the successful investing strategy I had been using for years.
I talked about the best way to build wealth in the stock market. And managing the emotions that come with investing.
If you were subscribed, you might remember it. Because in the end, I asked you whether you wanted to see a book on this topic.
Your response was incredible! More than a thousand people shared their stories. And I’m grateful for all your enthusiasm and support.
Now, three years later, I’m so excited to announce my new book The Stoic Path to Wealth: Ancient Wisdom for Enduring Prosperity.
In the book, I’ll show you how Stoicism can help you build enduring wealth in the stock market.
Coming this July 16th…
Let me give you a bit more background on how this happened.
After self-publishing seven books, I knew I had to go the traditional route with this book. I felt like the book should get into the hands of as many people as possible.
I wanted to team up with a great editor and publisher.
Fast forward a year later, I created a book proposal with sample chapters, and my agent, Julie Stevenson, sold it to Portfolio / Penguin.
I started writing the book in 2022. Finished it in the summer of 2023. Then, we spent editing and improving the book until the end of the year.
And now I can finally announce The Stoic Path to Wealth.
It’s coming out July 16th.
A few people have already read the book. Morgan Housel, author of The Psychology of Money, said: “Darius has a unique ability to turn complex ideas into simple stories.”
Jimmy Soni, author of The Founders, said the book reveals the “secrets to building wealth and, more importantly, inner tranquility.”
One of the most prolific writers in the FIRE—financial independence, retire early—movement, Sam Dogen of the Financial Samurai blog, said: “By the time you finish reading, you’ll change your outlook on money and life for the better.”
If you’re looking to build enduring wealth in the stock market, you’ll love this book.
The biggest way to help right now is to pre-order the book here.
I’ll be sharing more about the book in the coming months!
P.S. Thank you to everyone who supported this idea from the start. This book is a direct result of your passion and engagement.
One interesting thing
This quote from Benjamin Graham, who created the first systematic approach to investing in the 1930s, inspired me to write The Stoic Path to Wealth:
“Individuals who cannot master their emotions are ill-suited to profit from the investment process.”
Managing your emotions is the most important thing.
Thanks for reading! I hope you found this edition of Wise & Wealthy useful.
All the best,
Pre-order the book and guarantee early bonuses
I’m currently working on putting together a set of pre-order bonuses.
It will include a new digital magazine, online course, and limited podcast. Pre-ordering the book now guarantees you will receive the bonuses once I announce them.

The bonuses apply to pre-orders from any bookstore in any format and any country.
Simply hold on to your receipt and I’ll share how you can unlock the bonuses soon.
Pre-order here: stoicpathtowealth.com