The Darius Foroux Show

I have a podcast about productivity, habits, decision making, and personal finance.

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Why Introversion Leads to More Self-Confidence The Darius Foroux Show: Mindset, Business, Money

I’m very introverted. I truly enjoy (and need) time alone. Too much social contact drains my energy. One misconception about introverts is that they lack confidence. People falsely assume that we don’t want to be around others for that reason. In her book, Quiet, psychologist Susan Cain calls that concept the “Extrovert Ideal.” It’s the widespread belief that being outgoing, assertive, and socially proactive makes a person successful. As it turns out, introversion has its own set of strengths and advantages. According to Cain, some of these strengths include better problem-solving skills, more creativity, empathy, and the ability to work independently. In my experience, we can all benefit from cultivating the introverted side of us. When we nurture that by spending more time alone, we actually become more self-confident. We no longer look for external validation. We gain more appreciation for ourselves. More on that in my new article. Pre-order The Stoic Path to Wealth My new book is coming out July 16th. It shows you how to build enduring wealth in the stock market. Learn more: ⁠⁠⁠
  1. Why Introversion Leads to More Self-Confidence
  2. The Habit That Will Change Your Life: Journaling
  3. The Art of Patience: How Delayed Gratification Builds Wealth
  4. Authenticity, Making Money, and Following Your Passion
  5. Why We Need Purpose finish

And if you want me to answer your question, email me.

I also have a library of podcast episodes available in case you’re new to my work. You will especially enjoy my podcast if you have enough from listening to the same people on different podcasts. I only interview people who’s work I find valuable. To me, that’s the best way to have a conversation that’s also valuable for the reader.

If you’re into interviews, check out my conversations with Derek Sivers and Cal Newport. Listeners enjoyed those episodes a lot.

If you’re into productivity, check out “How To Focus Better” and “How To Beat Procrastination With Systems.” Those episodes were received well my listeners who want to get more done.

If you’re curious about personal finance and wealth building, check out my popular episode “5 Tips To Get Rich Slowly.” In that episode, I talk about several practical tips I’ve learned. Not the standard get rich quick advice.

I also have an episode on strength training and fitness. I’ve been working out since I was 16 and experienced many injuries. On “5 Tips For More Effective Strength Training” I talk about how I changed my approach. As a result, I feel stronger and I’m no longer injured several times a year.

I’ve also experimented with added audio articles to my podcast. For example, I recorded an audio version of 10 Career Mistakes I Wish I Had Never Made. That’s one of my most-read articles on careers.