New year, new chances. Well, you always have the opportunity to change your life at any given moment.
The other day I watched a documentary series about a Dutch guy called Jur Deitmers. When he was 21 years old, he got a rare form of meningitis, which erased his entire memory.
Jur had to re-learn everything about life. Literally everything. Years later, he became a totally different person. How can that be?
The story of Jur confirms what scientists have been suspecting for years. Our personalities are a matter of nature and nurture. Jur is as intelligent as he ever was, except he’s just a different guy. Even his friends say they have a new friend.
To me, this story confirms that you can shape who you are. At any moment, you can decide that your past is no longer determining who you are today.
Here are 5 rules that I’m going to live by in 2025 that I believe will make a big impact on everything.
1. Don’t get angry. Period.
I tend to get angry about small things. Traffic, what someone says, paying taxes. You know, the usual annoying things.
Over the years, I’ve learned not to get stuck in my anger for too long.
This year, I want to avoid getting angry completely. Now, I will still get angry if someone tries to attack me. But let’s face it, how often does that happen?
Anger is actually a good emotion… in some cases. You can get angry about injustice or things that should be changed. But just don’t get angry about things you shouldn’t get angry about.
And deep down, we all know what those things are.
2. Spend money on things that change your lifestyle for the better
I’m cheap. Or should I say frugal?
Who cares. I just don’t like to spend money. I feel much better with a huge stock portfolio.
But at the same time, I also need to remind myself that I can’t bring my stock into the grave. I also can’t bring my passions with me.
Sure, I want to leave a legacy and I don’t need to spend everything I have.
But at the same time, I’m also going to make it a priority to spend a bit more money on the things that help me to make memories with my loved ones.
3. Be calculated when it comes to working out
After many years of having little to no back pain, I’ve had a lot of back issues over the past year or so.
I think I overstressed my body at times. I worked out a lot and also quite intensively.
For the past three months, I’ve been way more calculated. I still work out, but I also get more rest. I try to avoid overdoing anything, whether it’s overtraining, overstretching, and even over-resting.
I also bought an inversion table for my back. You know, one of those Frankenstein devices that makes you hang upside down. I got to tell you, it’s the best thing I’ve done for my back.
That device helps with decompressing your back. And it truly works.
So this year, I will keep doing what I’ve been doing the last few months. I might work out less, but I feel stronger and better.
4. Journal more
I dropped the ball on journaling in 2024. I usually clear out two A5-sized Moleskine notebooks per year. The past year, I filled up half a notebook.
I can use the common excuses like I was too busy and I had a lot of things to do… but that’s bullshit.
You can always make time to sit down for 15 minutes with your journal. I just didn’t do that enough.
This year is about more reflecting, taking notes, and putting hand to paper.
5. Work hard and be happy
So many people in the world live in war-torn places. Many more people live in poverty. Others live in unfree places.
If you’re reading this on your smartphone on your couch, or on your comfortable desk chair at work, you’re actually one of the lucky ones.
Recently I’ve found myself complaining more about taxes, rules, and regulations. It seems like everything is declining in Europe, from health care and the economy to education.
But worrying about those things is not only a waste of energy, it’s poison for your mind.
I know things seem uncertain and dire in many places. But if you look at it closely, it ain’t so bad.
As long as you’re healthy and you have people you love around you, it’s all good.
Let’s bring more joy and gratitude to our lives this year. And let’s not worry too much about the future.
Just put your head down and work hard. Don’t complain.
Become the most happy, grateful, productive, and resilient version of yourself.
The future will be bright if we all do that.